Welcome to the Animal Section here on LearnCreateLove.com! Here you will find tons of animal crafts – both common and non. If you can’t find an animal that you need or want to craft, e-mail me! I’m always looking for fun new animal crafts to design! There is also a ‘search’ button below in case you need to search for something specific. Please check out the Terms of Use for our printable crafts! Thanks, and enjoy!
Under the Sea
Fish, Crabs & Other Water Dwellers
Swimming with Fins
- Angelfish Craft *printable*
- Barracuda Craft *printable*
- Beluga WHALE Craft *printable*
- Blue Tang (Dory) Fish *printable*
- Blue Whale Craft *printable*
- Bubble Paint Blowfish
- Clown Triggerfish *printable*
- Dolphin Craft *printable*
- Fish Craft (sponge painting)
- Fish Craft *printable*
- Fish Craft (Handprint)
- Goldfish Craft *printable*
- Humpback Whale Craft *printable*
- Killer Whale Craft *printable*
- Manatee Craft *printable*
- Minke Whale Craft *printable*
- Narwhal Craft *printable*
- Sea Turtle Craft *printable*
- Sea Turtle Sun-Catcher *printable*
- Shark Craft *printable*
- Sting Ray Craft *printable*
- Vaquita Craft *printable*
- Whale Craft *printable*
- Yellow Tang Craft *printable*
- Zebra Shark Craft *printable*
Shells & Tentacles
- Crab (realistic) Craft *printable*
- Crab Craft *printable*
- Crab Craft (Handprint)
- Hermit Crab Craft *printable*
- Lobster Craft *printable*
- Lobster Craft (footprint)
- Jellyfish Craft *printable*
- Jellyfish Craft (paper plate)
- Jellyfish in a Bottle
- Octopus Craft *printable*
- Octopus Craft (Paper Roll)
- Squid Craft *printable*
More Water Dwellers
- Beaver Craft *printable*
- Hippo Craft *printable*
- Otter Craft *printable*
- Platypus Craft *printable*
- Seahorse Craft *printable*
- Seal Craft *printable*
- Sea Lion Craft *printable*
- Walrus Craft *printable*
Reptiles & Amphibians
Frogs, Snakes, Lizards, & More!
- Alligator Craft *printable*
- Burmese Python GIANT Craft *printable*
- Chameleon Craft *printable*
- Crocodile Craft *printable*
- Frog Craft *printable*
- Frog Craft (paper bag)
- Paper Bag Frog Craft *printable*
- Gila Monster Craft (paper bag)
- Komodo Dragon Craft *printable*
- King Snake Craft *printable*
- Lady Frog Craft
- Newt Craft *printable*
- Orange Frog Craft *printable*
- Poison Dart Frog Craft *printable*
- Sidewinder Rattkesnake Craft *printable*
- Snake Craft *printable*
- Stocking Snake Craft
- Tree Frog Craft *printable*
- Box Turtle Craft *printable*
- Turtle Craft *printable*
- Vine Snake Craft *printable*
Extinct but still excellent!
- Anatosaurus *printable*
- Ankylosaurus *printable*
- Brachiosaurus/Long Neck Craft *printable*
- Dilophosaurus Craft *printable*
- Giganotosaurus Craft *printable*
- Parasaurolophus *printable*
- Pterodactyl *printable*
- Spinosaurus *printable*
- Stegosaurus *printable*
- Triceratops *printable*
- T-Rex Craft *printable*
- Velociraptor Craft *printable*
Mammals & More
Pets: Cats, Dogs, & Bunny Rabbits
- Easy Bunny Craft *printable*
- Bunny Rabbit Craft *printable*
- Pipe Cleaner Bunnies
- Cat Craft (paper roll)
- Cat Craft *printable*
- Cat Mask Craft *printable*
- (Hissing) Cat Craft *printable*
- Dog Craft (paper bag)
- Dog Puppet *printable*
- Dog (Bloodhound) Craft
- Dog (Boston Terrier) Craft
- Dog (Dachshund) Craft
- Dog (Pug) Craft
- Puppy Craft *printable*
- Guinea Pig Craft
- Handprint Hamster Craft
- Mini Puppets Craft *printable*
- Pets Craft *printable*

Mammals & More
Zoo animals, farm animals, wildlife, and more!
Farm Animals
- Cow Craft (realistic) *printable*
- Cow Craft (cartoon) *printable*
- Cow Craft (paper plate)
- Deer Craft *printable*
- Donkey Craft *printable*
- Fox Craft *printable*
- Fox Head Craft *printable*
- Goat Craft *printable*
- Groundhog Craft
- Horse Craft *printable*
- Horse & Foal Craft *printable*
- Horse Head Craft *printable*
- Llama Craft *printable*
- Pig Craft *printable*
- Piglet Craft *printable*
- Sheep Craft *printable*
Mammals & Wildlife
- African Elephant Craft *printable*
- Elephant Craft *printable*
- [Circus] Elephant Craft *printable*
- Elephant Craft *printable*
- Elephant Craft (handprint)
- Elephant Craft (hearts) *printable*
- Elephant Craft (paper plate)
Big Cats
- Cheetah Craft *printable*
- Cheetah Mask Craft (paper plate)
- Mountain Lion Craft *printable*
- [Circus] Tiger Craft *printable*
- Jaguar Craft *printable*
- Leopard Craft *printable*
- Lion Craft
- Lion Crafts (whole pride) *printable*
- Lion Mask Craft
- Paper Plate Lion
- Lynx Craft *printable*
- Sabertooth Tiger Craft *printable*
- Tiger Craft – Baby *printable*
- Tiger Craft – Adult *printable*
Bears & Pandas
- Bear Family Craft *printable*
- Bear Craft *printable*
- Grizzly Bear Craft *printable*
- Panda Bear *printable*
- Panda Bear Baby *printable*
- Polar Bear Craft (realistic) *printable*
- Polar Bear Craft *printable*
- Handprint Polar Bear *printable*
- Handprint Bear *printable*
- Red PANDA Craft *printable*
Monkeys & Primates
- Baboon Craft *printable*
- Gorilla (realistic) Craft *printable*
- Gorilla (cartoon) Craft *printable*
- Howler Monkey Craft *printable*
- Monkey Craft *printable*
- [Circus] Monkey Craft *printable*
- Orangutan Craft *printable*
- Paper Plate Monkey
- Spider Monkey Craft *printable*
Other Mammals
- Aardvark Craft *printable*
- African Wild Dog Craft *printable*
- Anteater Craft *printable*
- Armadillo Craft *printable*
- Baboon Craft *printable*
- Beaver Craft *printable*
- Bison (Buffalo) Craft *printable*
- Camel Craft *printable*
- Capybara Craft *printable*
- Caribou Craft *printable*
- Chinchilla Craft *printable*
- Chipmunk Craft *printable*
- Coati Craft *printable*
- Coyote Craft *printable*
- Dhole Craft *printable*
- Fennec Fox Craft *printable*
- Flying Squirrel Craft *printable*
- Fox Head Craft *printable*
- Fruit Bat Craft *printable*
- Gazelle Craft *printable*
- Giraffe Craft *printable*
- Giraffe Craft (handprint)
- Giraffe Craft (paper bag)
- Hedgehog Craft *printable*
- Hedgehog (cute) Craft *printable*
- Hedgehog Craft (handprint)
- Honey Badger Craft *printable*
- Hyena Craft *printable*
- Indri Lemur Craft *printable*
- Jackrabbit Craft *printable*
- Kangaroo Craft *printable*
- Kangaroo Rat Craft *printable*
- Koala Craft *printable*
- Koala & Joey Craft *printable*
- Llama Craft *printable*
- Lemur Craft *printable*
- Longhorn Craft *printable*
- Mandrill Craft *printable*
- Meerkat Craft *printable*
- Mole Craft *printable*
- Mongoose Craft *printable*
- Moose Craft *printable*
- Moose Craft (realistic)
- Mountain Goat Craft *printable*
- Mouse Craft *printable*
- Numbat Craft *printable*
- Opossum Craft *printable*
- Orangutan Craft *printable*
- Otter Craft *printable*
- Platypus Craft *printable*
- Pronghorn Craft *printable*
- Prairie Dog Craft *printable*
- Raccoon Craft *printable*
- Rhino Craft *printable*
- Sloth Craft *printable*
- Skunk Craft *printable*
- Squirrel Craft *printable*
- Squirrel & Nut Craft *printable*
- Tapir Craft *printable*
- Tasmanian Devil Craft *printable*
- Warthog Craft *printable*
- Water Buffalo Craft *printable*
- Wolf Craft *printable*
- Wildebeest Craft *printable*
- Wolverine Craft *printable*
- Woolly Mammoth Craft *printable*
- Yak Craft *printable*
- Zebra Craft *printable*