
Sea Turtle Sun-Catcher Craft


This craft was inspired by a night light my mom has in her home. The inside of its shell lights up when you turn the light on. It struck me that it would make the perfect sun catcher craft, and I was right. We finally got around to making a couple last week and it turned out great.

There is also a printabe template you can use!

What You’ll Need:
– Cardstock Paper (this is a MUST, regular paper will not hold up for this craft)
– Scissors
– Crayons or Paint
– 2 Pieces of Contact Paper* – cut to the same size, big enough to cover the “window” on the turtle’s back
– Tape (or glue)
– Tissue Paper, cut into small squares

* An alternative to Contact Paper is Wax Paper. That’s what we used for years before I discovered Contact Paper. You’ll just have to add glue all over the Wax Paper because it isn’t sticky. You will get the same effect though, once everything dries.


What to Do
– Print out your turtle sun catcher craft. Link is below.
– Cut out the “window” on the turtle’s back. The line is dotted so you will know where to cut. Just gently poke your scissors through the center of the turtle’s back and carefully cut out the inside.
– Have your child color the turtle. I showed my daughter a picture of a sea turtle and she added spots to make hers look more realistic.
– Once finished color, flip the turtle over to the blank white side. You’re going to tape or glue your contact paper down (1 sheet). If your contact paper is too big and overhangs the edges of the turtle, cut it down some.
– Peel off the adhesive covering and carefully tape it down to the turtle. You’ll want the sticky side to be facing UP from the white side, so that when you flip the turtle over, it will be smooth and not sticky. You’re essentially going to decorate the back part so that it shows through the front.
– Have your child add the tissue paper to the sticky contact paper (or add glue to the wax paper if that’s how you’re doing it).
– Then, remove the adhesive from your other piece of contact apper and press firmly onto the taped down contact paper & tissue paper, flattening it out. Trim any overhanging edges. You shouldn’t need any extra tape for the top piece of contact paper, but add any of there’s any loose spots around the edges.
– You’re done! Flip the turtle craft over and admire your work. Tape it to a window for the best view!

Open Sea Turtle Sun-Catcher Printable


Related: Sea Turtle Craft | Earth Sun Catcher | Flower Sun Catcher | Fall Leaf Sun Catcher

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