Cupcake Liner Butterfly Craft


I’m proud to announce that this craft was 100% thought up by Lorelai, my butterfly-obsessed, five-year-old daughter. The other day, when we were waiting for the Coffee Filter Butterfly to dry, she ran inside to the craft cabinet, dug around for a minute, and came back for the materials for this one. She proudly showed me the cupcake liners and demonstrated how to pinch them in the middle (just as we had done for the coffee filter butterfly), and then proceeded to glue down the popsicle stick. I was amazed! She’s such a little craft bug that I probably shouldn’t have been so astonished. We ended up making a whole flock of butterflies (at least 12) together. They all turned out so cute!




Materials are listed in the photograph above.


  1. Take a cupcake liner and flatten it out. Using your pointer and thumb, gently pinch the cupcake liner in the middle (towards the top and bottom). Pinch the center together.
  2. Once the center is pinched, gently use your other fingers to fan and smooth out the cupcake liner (the “wings”) on both sides.
  3. Quickly glue the pinched center, and press a miniature popsicle-stick into the glue
  4. Keep an eye on the popsicle stick – ours tried to come off of the glue a little… just press down again and hold for a few seconds.
  5. Once set, draw on eyes, a smile and antennas (optional)
  6. You can decorate the wings with glitter or glitter glue for extra cuteness!
  7. If you want to do something extra, you can cut out construction paper antennas. My daughter was happy with the short ones we drew onto the popsicle sticks.
  8. That’s it! I hope you can do this fun craft with your little one. Leave us a note in the comments below if you get a chance – I know Lorelai would love to hear your thoughts on *HER* craft. =)

    Some of the recent butterfly crafts we have done include this beautiful Monarch Butterfly, this Painted Lady butterfly, a cute Paper Roll Butterfly, a Handprint Butterfly, a GIANT Printable Butterfly, and a Popsicle Stick Butterfly.

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  1. Thanks for sharing these with us today, Kimberly! I’ve just had a little poke around your blog, and I ove your simple (and oh-so-pretty) craft ideas! You have some gorgeous photography going on too, girl! Following your learn,create,love pinboard and facebook page now. 🙂

  2. So awesome my 5yr old is obsessed with butterflies too.. She will love this!! Thanks for sharing!!

  3. I’m the Director of a Public Library and will be using this craft during our activity time with about 100 kids! Thank your daughter for me. – Rebekah

  4. Thanks for the craft idea! I’m going to be doing it at a butterfly release next weekend. 🙂 We’re going to use wooden clothespins though, that way the kids can pin them to their shirts!

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