
Reading Challenge with Printable

My daughter is a reader. A beginner reader, but a reader, nonetheless. She has gotten more and more confident in her sounding out abilities as of late, that I decided to give her even more incentive to pick up her books and dive into them. I created a reading challenge for her. Once she hits 20 books, we’ll be going to Chuck E. Cheese! I remember doing this as a child in school; read X number of books and get free tickets to the nearby minor-league baseball game. I have great memories of my dad taking me every time. So, I came up with this printable to keep track of her progress. I haven’t printed ours yet (I’m out of colored ink), but I will soon!
There are many options for this printable – 10 circles or 20. Color and Black and White are included with each download. If you want a specific one, open the PDF file and select a single page to print.
Prize Ideas:

  • Chuck E. Cheese visit – Our first prize. ($5 for tokens)
  • Dollar Theatre Visit
  • Splash park trip
  • Small toys
  • Pottery Painting

Those are just a few suggestions (ones I will probably use in the future). Prizes don’t have to be extravagant; just figure out what your child likes and will want to read, read, read in order to get. We visit Chuck E. Cheese quite often and it’s Lore’s favorite. I’ve held off on taking her recently so that she will be sure to read!
As for the books, know your child’s reading level. Lorelai still gets frustrated if there are lot of bigger words in the text, so I try to stick with beginner books. We go to our library weekly to get new ones. Print below and enjoy!

Reading Challenge (10 Circles) & Reading Challenge (20 circles)

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  1. Kim, I’m still raving about this. I finally printed it after Sal has mentioned it every day for the past week. He is so motivated to read so he can go mini golfing! Thanks again!

  2. Thank you for this chart! I’ll be using it this summer to keep my blossoming reader going while school is out.

  3. Holy Molly! I have “liked” your BLOG for awhile, but when I clicked the link for the Macaw I discovered it is a fabulous resource! Amazing ideas, love, love, love the reading chart. And your Around the World section is an answered prayer. I was looking into purchasing LIttle Passports for an around the world study, but really could not justify the $$$, thank you for sharing!!! I’m so grateful for clever, creative, and sharing people like you!!

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