{ Friday Five }

This week’s Friday Five!

  1. How far ahead of time do you begin packing for a weekend trip? Usually the night before. Any earlier and Lorelai tears it apart!
  2. What was your most recent purchase of a six-pack? Wine coolers a while back. (Though I rarely drink.)
  3. What do you look for in a good everyday backpack? I haven’t bought a new backpack since high school! But style and comfortable straps is always a safe bet. =)
  4. Among people you know, who’s the worst packrat? Honestly, probably myself. I tend to hold on to a lot because I’m pretty sentimental. BUT, I do go through phases where I just purge everything I don’t need or isn’t super important to me.
  5. How do you know when it’s time to pack it in each evening? When the lines on my Kindle start blurring! (I read every night before bed.)
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