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Chicken Life Cycle Printables

We took some time this evening before bedtime to learn about the life cycle of chickens! I designed the printables last week and we were thankfully able to get to them today. The first week of school has been hectic, to say the least. We’re finding our groove though, and Lore was super happy to do this little study with me.
crafttime-061The first page we did was the fact cards. I designed them like the frog life cycle cards — a picture of each stage with a couple of facts beside it. Lorelai cut the cards out herself and put them in order. After she finished, we went through and read all about chickens.
Open Chicken Life Cycle Fact Cards

crafttime-079The next page was the life cycle flow chart. I made two versions of this one – fully colored, and outlined. I printed the outlined version so Lore could use her crayons and color in the pictures. It was a little more hands-on and interesting for her that way. She chose to color her egg and chicken brown.

Open Flow Chart (colored) & Open Flow Chart (B&W)



After we discussed the chicken’s life cycle, I printed out our chicken craft. I gave Lorelai the option to color a chicken, rooster, or chick, and she chose the chicken. We did that one a long time ago and she enjoyed coloring her “magical” chicken. She cut out the shapes and pasted them together all by herself.

So there it is, our study on the chicken life cycle! It was simple and easy for her to grasp. She said this one was her favorite over the Frog Life Cycle and the Butterfly Life Cycle. I have to agree.

Thanks for stopping by! I hope these printables are useful to you!

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  1. Pingback: PreK + K Sharing
  2. Thank you so much for these printables! It is very kind of you to make them free :).

  3. Thanks for all of the info on chickens. My grand daughter Molly who is 8 yrs old is in 4 H here in Idaho is doing her research paper on the life cycle of chickens. This is VERY helpful.
    Thanks again.
    Debbie 🙂

  4. This site is awesome. Thanks so much for sharing. The kids in our 2/3 class will be excited to do these activities about chickens.

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