{ Ten on Tuesday }

Another oldie!

This Week’s Ten on Tuesday, headed with a picture I took a few months ago. I think. 🙂

  1. If you work, do you drive to work or take public transportation? I’m not currently working, but when I do, I drive to lug around all of my props.
  2. How often do you get your haircut? Do you go to the same person every time? Not often. I’m pretty bad about going until it drives me crazy enough to go. I’m trying to stay on top of it though, and am at that 8 week marker now.
  3. Do you read the newspaper? If so, a hardcopy or the online version? I usually read the news online.
  4. What is the best book you have read this year? I’m loving the paranormal series I’m reading now about an assassin. The main character is pretty much a female Dexter, minus the serial-killer title, plus a paycheck. Ha!
  5. What is the best movie you have seen this year? I have a hard time with questions like these because I often forget about everything I’ve read/seen. I enjoyed Battle of L.A., so I’m going with that… unofficially. I probably saw something better that I’m not thinking of right now. LOL!
  6. Do you tend to crave sweet or salty foods? Depends on the time of the month. 😉
  7. Do you eat breakfast every day? If so, what do you have? I’m not a morning eater at ALL, but I’ve been trying to eat at least a banana in the AM.
  8. If you celebrate Easter, what Easter treat/candy are you most looking forward to? I’m off of candy at the moment, but I love me some Peeps! lol
  9. How late is “sleeping in” to you? 10 am. Anything later and I feel like a sloth.
  10. Where are you going on your next vacation? Hopefully home to visit my family. I was supposed to go last month but we had some stuff come up. Now I kinda want to wait until the end of May/early June so I can celebrate my nephew’s birthday with him. We unfortunately weren’t able to make his 1st. 🙁
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