
Printable Gorilla Craft

Gorilla Craft

Open Gorilla Printable

This craft takes me back to my days spent playing Donkey Kong with my brothers and cousins. I had originally intended for both of his arms to be pointing down, but I must have inverted one of them while trying to get them to fit into a single printable… so now he has one arm up and one down. Lorelai reassured me that it was okay because he was going to pound his chest, then she proceeded to show me how a gorilla’s arms go up and down when doing so… Smart kid, haha. =) Here’s a little blurb I wrote about our process this morning.

Last night I finally finished making the printables for all of the crafts on Lore’s list. I printed them all out and stuck them on the kitchen counter so we could get started on them. We normally only do one craft a day. Maybe two if we have time. Today, we did 6… and it actually didn’t take as long as you’d think. Lorelai started painting before breakfast while I was doing laundry and by the time her eggs were done, she was finished painting. I had to stop what I was doing a few times to mix paints, but she didn’t really need to be supervised for the painting part. They dried for a few hours while we did her preschool stuff, got chores out of the way, and had lunch. I cut them all out during an episode of Supernatural and then Lore came back out to glue everything together. See? Surprisingly not long at all!

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  1. Thank you for this wonderful idea! My 2 1/2 year old & almost-4 year old made the paper plate monkey faces to use as decorations for my almost-4 year old’s upcoming birthday party. They had a blast!

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