
{ Crafting Solo }

I wanted to share two little crafty creations that Lorelai has made this past week. The first is an airplane out of cardstock strips (leftovers from a craft) that she concocted all by herself. She managed to find herself alone with a bottle of glue and some scrap paper and she came up with this airplane. It’s shaped like one, roughly, and she likes to throw it around.

The Airplane

The second is a “grocery bag” that she hung on her door knob. It’s just a piece of paper and a buttload of tape, but she made it all by herself. How she came up with the idea of making a bag, I have no clue. She was super excited about it though!

The Bag

So these two little creations are extremely simple, but that’s not the point. She went out of her way to make something and that makes me giddy. It’s also proof that the girl loves doing these activities I come up with… Nope, no need to “force” her here!

This is also an incentive for me to let her just do a bunch of unconstructive crafts by herself. I need to just get out a bunch of materials and let her go at it.

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