{ Crafting FAIL }

Not all of the crafts we do turn out the way I planned. In fact, the crafts I had planned for today both went completely sour. I’m so frustrated even blogging about it because they both had potential!

Problem #1: Not enough paint. After crafting so much lately, we only had a few drops of each color left.

Problem #2: Lore and I both weren’t happy campers today.

Problem #3: It’s windy outside (usually where we do our crafting) and very cloudy. The construction paper blew away while I was trying to get paint into the cups.

CRAFT #1: The Bumpy Ghost

This craft had the potential of being cute. Lorelai asked to do another ghost today after I offered crafts. Since we’ve done so many crafts with food lately, I decided to do a ghost with rice. It could have worked with more paint. But alas, we’re out.

At the point I realized it wasn’t going to work, I did the genius thing and folded up the paper to toss in the trash. Painted bunches of rice falling onto the carpet? No thanks! Lou flipped. I ruined her artwork.

CRAFT #2: Potato Printing

I’ve done this craft several times with Lore. It’s pretty much perfect any time of the year. I cut out a pretty cute leaf (see below) that should have turned out fine. Again, with more paint.


At that point, we were both looking like this:

Frustrated – not a good way to start out the week.

In positive news, Lorelai had another successful accident-free night. I’m really glad we didn’t push potty-training on her. It could have been such a headache, but it’s really just been a breeze. =)

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  1. Yay on the potty training! Sorry for the crafting fails! We had baking fails (and many trips to the store to get things we forgot/ran out of) today so no crafting.

  2. Oy. I know that face. All. too. well.

    Ah well, with the amount of successes you have just erase this day and keep truckin’.

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