
Printable Grasshopper Craft


This is another of Lore’s list animals… or in this case, insect. I wasn’t able to squeeze his long body, wing, head, and 6 legs into one sheet so this is a two-page printable. It can all be printed from the same PDF file though!

Open Grasshopper Printable

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Ages ago, I came up with this ‘bouncy’ song that includes a grasshopper. We sing it together all the time and Lorelai bounces during the entire song. Here are the lyrics:

Boing, Boing the kangaroo goes.
Boing, Boing the kangaroo goes
Boing, Boing the kangaroo goes
All through Australia…

Boing, Boing the bunny goes
Boing, boing the bunny goes
Boing, Boing the bunny goes
All through the field…

Boing, Boing the froggy goes
Boing, Boing the froggy goes
Boing, Boing the froggy goes
All around the lily pads…

Boing, Boing the grasshopper goes
Boing, Boing the grasshopper goes
Boing, Boing the grasshopper goes
All through the grass…

Boing, Boing the Lorelai goes
Boing, Boing the Lorelai goes
Boing, Boing the Lorelai goes
All through her room…

(continue on with more ‘bouncy’ things)

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