
Human Heart Printable Craft


A big thanks to Becky for suggesting organ/body printables! I thought it was such a great idea that I started designing the heart immediately. This took me *forever* to make. I looked at about a hundred diagrams of hearts and finally finished with this. I wanted it simple enough that it wouldn’t be too confusing for a child (or parent!). I’m sure it’s not 100% accurate, and I apologize for that. It’s the basic shape of a real human heart though, which is what I was going for. =) You can google ‘heart diagram’ to get a general idea of the different parts!
Lorelai was surprisingly really into painting this. She picked out the colors and “ba-bump”ed the entire time she painted. =) Find the print link below!

Open Human Heart Printable

Check back next week for a set of lungs!

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  1. This is such a free eat learning tool! I also would like to suggest an iTunes iPad app for children that I found extremely helpful. My 4 yr old has development learning delays and was easily able to navigate through this app, learn, and fall IN LOVE with it! She learnt SOO much about the human body, she even surprised her teachers at preschool with how much she knows now! Your printable is the PERFECT activity to go with it. Here is the name of the app so you can share with your youngsters and give it a try!!! “Human Body” or “The Human Body by Tinybop” I just don’t recall how much it was. If it costs it’s becuase its worth it. Moms can also record their voice (or kids) describing that spot on the body just my holding down your finger anywhere….ok I might have to incorporate your printable into a post on my blog..MONDAY, she’s home with Strep Throat now ;(

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