Here are some of our favorite Chapter Book series! I put an approximate grade each series is geared towards, but please don’t let that stop you from trying them out. Older kids will enjoy them, and you can always read them to your younger kids. That’s how we started out reading chapter books; I would read them to Lorelai before bed. It was (and is!) a great addition to our evening routine. Her love of books (and her reading ability) grew dramatically after we started reading chapter books together before bed.
Have a recommendation? Tell us in the comments! We are always on the look-out for new books!
The Magic Treehouse Series – A friend recommended this book series to us a while back, and I’m so glad she did! It’s about a young boy and girl who find a magic treehouse and go on lots of adventures. So fun! I would read these to Lore before bedtime and she always asked for another chapter. Now, she’s reading them herself (1st grade) and she’s tearing through the series!
Neverland Girls – This is another series that a friend recommended. Follow 4 best friends as they discover Neverland and fairies, and have many adventures together. This series is good for 3rd graders and above (or advanced 1st/2nd graders!). I read these to Lorelai in the car when we’re waiting for the bus to come in the morning and they are ALWAYS a hit. Very well written, too.
Rescue Princesses – One of our favorite series, the Rescue Princesses are a group of girls (princesses, of course!) that save animals. This is another fun adventure series we hope never ends – the books are face paced and fun. (2nd grade+)
Junie B. Jones – I actually haven’t read this series, but Lorelai’s teacher takes time to read to the kids everyday, and they are working their way through this series. Lorelai LOVES these books, apparently! She has told me so many stories about Junie and her adventures. She actually got a bunch for Christmas and is fully able to read them herself in 1st grade. Give them a try!