Hey guys! In case you don’t know by now, I’m Kimberly. I’m the mommy, brains, photographer, and designer behind LearnCreateLove. I’m a proud momma to my girls: Lorelai (17) and Madeline (10). We currently live in Texas, but originally came here from a small town in Maryland and go back often to visit family. We began homeschooling 6 (!!) years ago, something I never thought I’d do, but we are LOVING it! Getting to spend more time with Lorelai & Maddie, make new friends, and experiencing our homeschool-friendly city has been amazing. I look forward to sharing our adventures on here with you guys!
When I first started this blog, the sole purpose was for me to have a place to dump all of my “family” stuff. At the time, Lorelai was really getting into crafts and we were starting our homeschool preschool “program” at the time (hence the name). When I started making printable crafts (to make my own life a little easier!), friends starting asking for copies. I began sticking a download link at the end of the blog posts and it just grew from there. Every printable I make, I make for my daughter’s benefit, and I put them for download on my blog because I know someone else out there might be able to use them. I hope you are able to use them!
Anyway, I’ll stop rambling now. Enjoy your stay at LCL and please feel free to comment ~ I love reading them!!