If you are having difficulty printing one or more printables, here are a few tips that may help solve your problem.
- NOTE: You must have the latest version of Adobe Acrobat in order to access the printables.
- Click the button at the bottom of the craft post (sometimes there isn’t a button, but a link). A PDF file should pop up on your screen. Allow it to load, and then print it.
- After you click print, a box should pop up with options. Look at the preview box that shows the printable. If any part of it is enlarged or cut off, click the little check box that says ‘fit to page’ or ‘scale to page’ or similar.
- If the printable is a landscape page, you might have to click the landscape-oriented button to get the printable to fit correctly.
- If you click on the printable button/link and a 404 (error) page comes up, please send me an e-mail to let me know. I have accidentally forgotten to include the printable in a few, and I have always fixed it quickly.
- If you are experiencing trouble printing, it’s likely that your adobe plug-in is not up to date or you are not clicking the picture correctly.
- You may also try right clicking the “Print this Craft” button and selecting “Open page in new window or tab”
- If none of that helps, you might try plugging in your printer. (Been there, done that!) lol
- Feel free to E-Mail Me if you are still having trouble. I have found that most people were able to print after making sure all of the above worked first.