Moving Forward: Site Update 2016


Happy New Year! Can you believe another year is gone? And we are already halfway through January — time flies! Most of you know I had my second child 9.5 months ago in March. She was born 6 weeks early and has taken us by storm. It seems like yesterday I was just sitting in the hospital, in disbelief that I was having ANOTHER preemie! Thankfully, she was super healthy and only had a bought of jaundice. Anyway, my point is, time flies! (See an updated picture of my girls above.)

I have tried and tried to make LCL a priority, but real life has always gotten in the way. We have been crafting plenty, I just haven’t been able to get the crafts posted. Good news for the holidays in 2016 – I already have Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas crafts ready to go! I guess you could say I’m ahead of the game now. 😉

I sat down recently and came up with a game plan for this year. I really want to stay on top of things here. LCL has been such a blessing for our family. Doing crafts with Lorelai (8) has always been “our” thing. We sit around the table and chat, paint, cut, and glue. I help her with most crafts unless otherwise stated. Not because she can’t do them, but because she WANTS me to help. It’s our thing. We do them together, sometimes race to see who can cut a leg out faster. Many legs have been accidentally snipped in half, followed by dramatic groans from Lorelai pretending to be the animal. Silly!

I don’t have a schedule for posting set in stone. What I was doing earlier in the year last year was at least two or three crafts per week. I bounced the idea around of a set day for posting (so like a new printable every Wednesday), but I don’t think I want to commit to just one craft per week. We’ll see. I’ll keep brainstorming and come up with something that will work best with our schedules.

Anyway, I really love sharing our fun here. I still get e-mails from you all thanking us and telling us your stories. I love that we have made other mom’s lives just a little bit easier. And teachers, librarians, daycare directors, etc.

SO. If you’re still with me, thank you! I need some help from you all. I want to know what YOU want for LCL going forward. What would you like to see more, or less, of? You can use our Suggest a Printable form to let me know. Also, please follow us on social media and INTERACT when you can! The algorithms on those sites make it so that if you don’t like/comment, you won’t actually see our future content — frustrating!

Thanks for hanging in with me. You’ll be seeing some new content soon. Have a great weekend!

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  1. Hie, congrats for the 2nd baby, god bless all of you. I am a father of 2 monsters from India. I love your site and love all the work you are doing and sharing it with the world. These activities helps me and inspires me as well to provide activity materials to the kidos. Thank you sooo much once again.. keep posting the awesome stuff

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