
Unicorn Craft

We started this craft/picture/whatever at the same time we did the unicorn Color By Numbers page, but I wanted to wait to blog it until I was able to cut out and assemble the full picture. This is, of course, also a printable for those who have unicorn-loving children who like to do crafts. Lorelai ate this one up. She got to paint, make a unicorn scene, and use the puffy paint – she was in heaven. I printed two sheets of the clouds because I wasn’t sure how many I wanted to use. After she painted and it dried (mostly), I cut out everything and we both glued and stuck them onto a scrapbooking page. They might fit on a piece of construction paper, but it will be tight. Download below!

Open Unicorns & Open Clouds

Painting the unicorns. She had to have pink and purple!
Puffy Paint! This is the same mix I used on the snowman weeks ago. It lasts a while!
Finished Product. I think it’s really cute!

So that was our first craft of the day. The next one was the Melissa and Doug Princess Craft that my brother and sister-in-law got her for Christmas. She did the Princess Wand the other day, remember? 🙂 She loved this so much. I think I’m going to stock up on these pre-made crafts for lazy days… she loves them!

Lorelai decorating the mirror. It came with glitter glue & little gems. Cute!
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  1. Dear Lorelai,

    I just love the unicorns you painted. Can you do one for Pop Pop so I can hang on my wall over my desk? MiMi and Pop miss you so much! Give Mommy kisses from us! And a big kiss to you! Love you! xoxoxo

    Love your, Pop Pop

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